877 828-7278


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Infrasco, all fire hydrant major parts have the same number (suffix), whatever the model. An upper stem is a 20 and a main valve seat is a 70. Parts that are common to a family are prefixed to that family name; ex.: DAI for the Daigle family.

The model-specific parts have the prefix of this model; ex.: D67-20 is an upper stem for the Daigle D-67 only. In order to visualize the simplicity of this system, please refer to the diagram below to see the fire hydrant lexicon. Or contact us, it will be a pleasure to answer all of your questions.

fire hydrant lexicon

* Trademark of Canada Pipe Company Ltd., a division of Clow Canada
** Trademark of Mueller Canada
The manufacturers, their products and trademarks displayed on this website are for reference purposes only. All products displayed on this website are in no way manufactured, distributed or endorsed by these manufacturers. Infrasco a) does not sell parts from these manufacturers b) does not represent any of these manufacturers, and c) is in no way affiliated with these manufacturers.