877 828-7278

Generic parts for McAvity M-59M * / Durite H-64

McAvity M-59M?4 _ Durite H-64.jpg right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right
MCA-01Operating nut discontinued, see part 1301 & 1315
M9-04Grease fitting (not shown)
M9-05Body cap
MCA-15Upper operating stem
MCA-20Upper operating stem, stainless steel
MCA-25*Hose nozzle¹
MCA-30*Hose nozzle cap¹ (not as shown)
MCA-35*Pumper nozzle2 (not shown)
MCA-35-ZBStorz pumper nozzle bronze 100mm
MCA-40*Pumper nozzle cap2 (not shown)
MCA-40-ZFStorz pumper cap (int.)
MCA-45Safety coupling
MCA-46Extension coupling (not shown)
M9-50Upper barrel (discontinued)
MCA-55Safety flange (not shown)
MCA-56-FThreaded flange (not shown)
MCA-60*Lower stem
MCA-70Main valve seat
MCA-75Drip valve complete
MCA-85Main valve washer Brigadier style
MCA-86Main valve locknut
MCA-90Inlet boot
HW-01Chain with s-hook and cap ring
HW-02Intersection nut & bolt
HW-03Coupling bolt & nut
HW-07Body cap nut & bolt
HW-151Housing cap screw
HW-311Holding clamp screw
HW-332Lubricating screw
HW-504Main valve cotter pin (not shown)
HW-510Holding clamp
HW-511Nozzle pin
HW-604Flange retaining ring
HW-608Drain plug
HW-701Needle thrust bearing
HW-702Thrust bearing plate
OR-12Lower valve plate o-ring
OR-15Main valve O-ring
OR-18Housing stem O-ring
OR-23External operating nut O-ring
OR-31Hose nozzle O-ring
OR-42Storz pumper cap o-ring
OR-48Pumper nozzle o-ring (int.)
OR-55Seat lower O-ring
OR-56Storz pumper nozzle o-ring (ext.)
OR-58Seat upper O-ring
M9-CKComplete restoration gasket kit
M9-UKUpper mecanism gasket kit
GK-03Body cap gasket
GK-22Intersection flange gasket
GK-48Pumper cap gasket
GK-50Hose cap gasket
GK-60Housing joint gasket
GK-76Drip valve facing
MCA-80Main valve disc “polyurethane”
M59-50Full Body View

* Trademark of Canada Pipe Company Ltd., operating through its division Clow Canada
** Trademark of Mueller Canada
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