877 828-7278

Canron CT / Drolet 400

Canron CT _ Drolet 400.jpg right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right
CAN-01Operating nut
CAN-04Thrust bearing retainer
CCT-20Upper stem
CAN-25*Hose nozzle¹
CAN-30*Hose nozzle cap¹
CAN-35Pumper nozzle (discontinued) (not shown)
MCA-35-ZBStorz pumper nozzle Storz brass
CAN-40*Pumper nozzle cap (not shown)
MCA-40-ZFStorz pumper cap (int.)
CAN-45Stem guide coupling
CAN-46Stem extension coupling (not shown)
CCT-50Barrel casting 2H1P Storz
CCT-55Safety flange
CCT-56Floating flange
CCT-56-FThreaded flange (not shown)
CCT-60*Lower stem3
CCT-70Main valve seat
CAN-75Drain valve
CCT-85Rubber valve plate
HW-01Chain with s-hook and cap ring
HW-02Flange bolt & nut
HW-03Coupling bolt & nut
HW-311Machine screw for stop block
HW-323Nozzle lock screw
HW-332Machine screw for lube hole
HW-370Bonnet lockscrew
HW-474Flange bolt washer
HW-510Drip valve facing clamp
HW-605Snap ring
HW-607Drain plug
HW-706Needle thrust bearing
HW-707Thrust bearing race
OR-16Bonnet internal o-ring
OR-27Thrust bearing retainer o-ring
OR-38Seat upper o-ring
OR-42Storz pumper cap o-ring
OR-48Pumper nozzle o-ring (int.)
OR-55Seat lower o-ring
OR-56Storz pumper nozzle o-ring (ext.)
OR-65Bonnet upper o-ring
CCT-CKComplete restoration gasket kit
CCT-UKUpper mecanism gasket kit
GK-21Intersection flange gasket
GK-48Pumper nozzle cap gasket (not shown)
GK-51Hose nozzle cap gasket
GK-54Thrust bearing retainer nut gasket
GK-76Drain valve facing
CAN-80Main valve disc “polyurethane”
CCT-50All Body View

* Trademark of Canada Pipe Company Ltd., operating through its division Clow Canada
** Trademark of Mueller Canada
The manufacturers, their products and trademarks displayed on this website are for reference purposes only. All products on this website are in no way manufactured, distributed or endorsed by these manufacturers. Infrasco a) does not sell parts from these manufacturers b) does not represent any of these manufacturers, and c) is not affiliated in any way with these manufacturers.